Friend Request or Unfriend borrows elements from a whole range of movies and recycles the material in a somewhat interesting fashion. It's your typical " a group of good looking teens are going to die" horror movie and somehow it never gets stale, and they have derived alot from The Ring's story, so much so that I actually find myself wondering if this comes from an original Japanese tale.
There are quite a few scares and tense moments in this movie and even when you think you've predicted scares, you're wrong and then when you let your guard down a little, boom, fright! If you love your horrors and your social media then this is definitely one for you.
One last thing, with all the different social media platforms available currently, how long till these horror movies include things like Snapchat, Whatsapp etc. Ths is already the third movie I can think of recently to apply social media as an outlet for danger or evil, the others being Unfriended and the thriller Nerve.
Friend Request (2016) is directed by Simon Verhoeven and stars Alycia Debnam-Carey, William Moseley, Connor Paolo, Brit Morgan, Brooke Markham, Sean Marquette and Liesl Ahlers. The movie was released in certain locations but will be released theatrically on 9 December in the USA.

Enjoying college life as a popular student, Laura shares everything with her more
than 800 friends on Facebook. But one day, after accepting a friend request from a
social outcast named Marina, Laura’s life is cursed, and her closest friends begin
dying cruel deaths. Before her time is up, Laura must solve the mystery behind
Marina and her Facebook profile, in order to break the deadly spell.

South African born LIESL AHLERS definitely won't get unfriended!

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