When a nerdy sorority girl falls in love with a zombie, it's only a matter of time before a zombie apocalypse is unleashed on campus. The sorority girl discovers that weed is the cure--now she must smoke out the entire school before it's too late.

As all B-list movies go, there are no Academy Awards lined up for these movies, good reviews on Rotten Tomatoes or even excellent ratings on IMDB but instead you get what you paid for which is usually a cheasy script, sub-par acting and directing like your 6 year old little brother did it with his cool smartphone.

If you're ever in the mood for something ridiculous and you know what type of nonsense you're getting yourself into with this sort of thing then I would advise you that among it's peers, this movie is actually well done and totally unassuming. The fact that the movie does not take itself seriously at all and no one is trying to overact their roles, makes it entertaining and watchable. Almost one of those guilty pleasures that no one else need know about. Give it a bash, you may be pleasantly surprised!


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