WOW!! News of this came out a few weeks back but with the recent casting news of Viola Davies as Amanda Waller, Suicide Squad has been thrust one more time into the spotlight. This movie has one of the most impressive casts ever in superhero movie and well done to DC for the spectacular and obviously serious approach to this film.
Here are the cast as announced by Warner Bros, try to contain your excitement as we show you the cast members which are as follows:
WILL SMITH is Deadshot
This is one of the biggest casting news regarding the Suicide Squad movie and perhaps for the year! Will Smith returns to the role of another superhero after his stint as the alcoholic and foul-mouther Hancock a few years ago. Bravo to Smith for stepping back into the spotlight for this one, we've really missed your presence at theatres Mr Will Smith!
JARED LETO is The Joker

Fresh off his Oscar win, I can't think of a more worthy successor to Heath Ledger than Jared Leto in the role of The Joker. His acting range coupled with The Joker's homicidal and psychopathic mentality make this the most fitting of all Suicide Squad's casting. Could Leto's Joker outdo Ledger's, only time will tell.
TOM HARDY is Rick Flagg
Tom Hardy returns to the DC Superhero Universe, he once rivalled Christian Bale's Batman as Bane in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises and now returns as Rick Flagg. We know what to expect from this powerful actor who flaunted his acting skill earlier this year in Locke. This is definitely one actor who just may steal the show from Will Smith and Jared Leto.....
MARGOT ROBBIE is Harly Quinn
We last saw Margot Robbie in The Wolf of Wall Street opposite Leonardo DiCaprio and now she brings her beauty to the Harly Quinn character who serves as a crazy, sensual and totally deranged villain.
JAI COURTNEY is Boomerang
Jai Courtney has had a mixed bag of reviews for movies like A Good Day To Die Hard and more recently Divergent but thanks to the latter he has earned the love of the next generation of young moviegoers who won't forget him and will definitely fork out some cash to see him in action in Suicide Squad.
CARA DELEVINGNE is Enchantress
Cara Delevingne has appeared in 2012's Anna Karenina as well as the upcoming blockbuster with Hugh Jackman, Pan. This Hollywood beauty definitely has the looks and beauty that rounds up the cast of the Suicide Squad nicely. Can you picture her as Enchantress?
Suicide Squad is directed by David Ayer and is scheduled for release 5 August 2016. You will agree that this is definitely worth seeing if not for the star power alone then at least for DC's emerging heroes in our theatres, either way, it can't be missed!

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